Thursday, September 29, 2011

How to bake a mouse

Turn oven to 350.  Wait ten minutes.  Smell cooked mouse.

It seems when we were using the oven, we indeed smelled mouse, because (no surprise here) the insulation was chuck-a-block filled with dead mice and poop.  So, the Preway stove/oven is apart in many, many pieces, the disgusting mouse-nest filled insulation has been removed from around the oven and you'd think it would be an easy thing to find oven insulation to at the big box home improvement stores, or an appliance store or even the local woodstove dealer.  Nope.   Not even close.  Seems, like the Hudson car, this little item is rare and costly.  So, onto the internet and found a place in the midwest who will graciously send us a small piece for another C note (are you kidding me?)  So, I sucked it up, ordered it, and hopefully will remember where all the parts and screws go to put this thing back together.  I decided NOT to take a pix as I was disassembling it, so hope my aging brain can put this puzzle back together...stay tuned.

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