Monday, September 19, 2011

Open House

Seems our trailer was a hit with all the visitors we had.  In fact, we were overwhelmed with the response.  We so appreciated all the comments and oohs and aahs, not so much for our benefit, but for the fact, we all get to see and enjoy a trailer in it's "just off the 1955 sales lot" glory.  Our deep appreciation to D.N., who so graciously allowed us to take this beauty out of his barn and clean it up and take it on the road.
We sure enjoyed meeting new folks and re-connecting with our Pismo rally friends, and are looking forward to the next get together.  Thanks to Margaret Martan for putting together this rally.

A few of the tweeks that we will be doing:
1.  replaced all the light bulbs with cool, low watt "curly-que" style bulbs.  That should save some juice running through the old wiring.
2.  Leaky gaskets seemed to fix themselves!  No more drippy anything, so debating on whether to mess with them.
3.  Pull apart stove and look for more petrified mice.
4.  Reverse hall closet door so it opens toward the kitchen. Since we don't need it as a closet (that is why it faced the bedroom), but as a pantry, it makes sense.
5.  Add another piece of wood to the bottom of the magazine racks so the old mags don't slide out.
6.  Hmm, well actually that is all.  Not too bad for it's first run out in 38 years!

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