Monday, January 13, 2014

We are living in the Boles

It has been a while since I posted anything.  We have had it at the Pismo rally and the Lodi Towerfest rally last August and had a blast.  We took it down to the Ride the Wild Surf Vintage Trailer rally in Newport Dunes on October 11th, 2013 and then found indoor storage in Mission Viejo for the winter so we would not have to trailer it home.  We plan to pull it back to Newport Dunes for a few weeks then head to Palm Springs and stay in for the month of February and be in P.S for all the mid century events planned.  There are home tours of some of the finest 50's and early 60's homes, car shows, vintage clothing shows, and a trailer show downtown.  We had to get permission from the management of the RV resort in Cathedral City to bring our 59 year old trailer in, as no "rigs" over 15 years old are allowed.  We sent in pictures of the exterior and interior and after a high level meeting, we got the okay.  
It will be interesting to see what the snow birds who are there all winter think of us in our 24 ft. aluminum "rig".  We look like a teardrop trailer next to the huge motorhomes.  The other unknown is can the two of us live in such close quarters for 6 weeks?  I guess it is the same as living aboard a boat or trawler, folks do it all the time.   Our expectations are high, we will post about our adventures down south.

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