Tuesday, February 4, 2014

100 square feet, 2 people, 15 pairs of shoes

Now you would think that would be a recipe for divorce, but thanks to the fellas that designed this great trailer back in '55, I'm not going to file.  My wife's shoe collection, which she absolutely, positively must have along, is safely out of sight and yet handy to get to.  We are amazed at the amount of storage in this aluminum box.   Here are some rules for living small over an extended time:
1.  Close every single door as soon as you are done getting out what you need (saves a crack to the head)
2.  Put each and every thing back in its spot immediately after use.
3.  Only replace an item when it is totally run out (paper towels, milk, soap, etc)
4.  Spend as much time outside as possible.
5.  Move much slower and more deliberately in a small space.  The trailer shakes too much otherwise.
6.  Have patience.  Enjoy.

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